Steroids date back to 1935 when scientists in Germany first synthesized testosterone. Although initially used as a treatment for depression, synthesized testosterone quickly became the drug of choice of athletes in the 1950s.
Dianabol was one of the first legal anabolic steroids to be sold commercially. Scientists created it as an alternative to the testosterone that Russian athletes began injecting during the 1954 Olympics. These testosterone injections helped men undergoing athletic training increase their performance, build up their muscle tissues, and lose excess fat.
Legal steroids became popular during athletic training, and the anabolic steroid Dianabol was a highly effective treatment. While users needed to inject other forms of steroids, Dianabol was available in pill form. The pills made the steroid easy to use and quick to distribute.
Initially popular among bodybuilders and other athletes, it soon gained popularity among non-athletes looking to enhance their appearance. Young men struggling with muscle dysmorphia began using Dianabol to build muscle and lose fat.